In a dynamic and global regulatory environment, we help our clients understand and manage compliance needs in a timely manner.

In particular, our professionals with legal and specialist skills in corporate compliance assist clients in managing non-compliance risks through:

  • Outsourcing/Co-sourcing of the Compliance Function;
  • Support in the installation and start-up of Compliance Functions;
  • Re-engineering and organisational and methodological review of the Compliance Function;
  • Legal inventory and compliance risk assessment;
  • Support in adapting the company organisation to specific regulatory requirements (Italian Leg. Decree 231/2001; Whistleblowing; Anti-corruption and Transparency; etc.);
  • Support for Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Italian Leg. Decree. 231/2001, to the RSPPs (prevention and protection service managers), to the OIVs (independent evaluation bodies).
Mario Galiano
Partner - Grant Thornton Consultants
Mario Galiano