To help you create value, develop your business, and consciously manage change as an opportunity for business growth.

The relationship between companies and control bodies has changed over time. The introduction of new regulations continues to modify the "corporate governance" scenario. Moreover, the evolution of the markets presents new business opportunities, but also risks to be managed.

Developing risk management strategies aimed at protecting and enhancing company assets is today an essential requirement for all companies.

Grant Thornton can help your companies, so that every service provided is an opportunity to create value for its customers.

The vision of Grant Thornton's methodological approach is based on a conscious management of risks as an opportunity for business growth, and on an appropriate balance between risks and opportunities in relation to the issues of Internal Audit, Regulatory, Governance & Risk Management and related needs of Cybersecurity.

Belonging to an international network, Grant Thornton understands the reference contexts everywhere and to support clients in responding to regulatory needs, ensuring compliance with the required requirements.

We support customers in implementing the best Corporate & Control Governance "practices" and in identifying and defining the most suitable solutions for an adequate Internal Control System to manage risks.

Mario Galiano
Partner - Grant Thornton Consultants
Mario Galiano