Professional Experience
Giovanni joined Grant Thornton in 2012 as Partner.
He currently holds the position of Head of the Bari Office.
Previously, he worked from 1986 to 2012 at Ria & Partners S.p.A. covering the role of Partner.
Among the areas in which he has mostly carried out his activity and specialized are local Public Transport, financial services, energy, and utility.
Giovanni also holds the office of statutory auditor of joint stock companies:
- Apulia Pronto Prestito S.p.A.
- CH2M HILL S.r.l.
- Debar Costruzioni S.p.A.
- NEWO S.r.l.
Giovanni graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Bari in 1984 and in Economics at B.A. State University of New York USA in 1979.
He has a master’s degree in Business Management at Bocconi University in 1979.
Professional qualifications and memberships
Giovanni is registered in the register of statutory auditors and in the register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bari.
Official Auditor, with D.M. 06/03/92, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic No. 23 IV special series of 20/03/92 and registered in the relative role.
- B.A. in Business Administration – State University of New York – U.S.A.
- Degree in Business and Economics University of Bari
- Chartered Accountant (Dottore Commercialista)