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Gianluca Coluccio
Partner - Ria Grant Thornton

Gianluca Coluccio

Professional Experience

Gianluca joined Grant Thornton in November 2012 as a Partner.

He holds the position of Managing Partner of the Turin office.

Previously, he worked from 1996 to 2007 at Ernst & Young Spa and Deloitte & Touche Spa holding the role of Senior Manager and from 2007 to 2012 at BDO S.p.A. as Responsible Partner of the Turin Office.

Among the areas in which he has mostly carried out his activity and specialized are: Financial services, Energy, Consumer products, Real estate & construction, Public sector, Automotive, Industrial products, Services.


Gianluca has experience as a speaker at conferences and seminars on topics related to the auditing of financial statements, accounting and financial statements, consolidated financial statements and international accounting standards (Ifrs, Us Gaap). Moreover, he is the author of several publications related to his professional activities.



Gianluca graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Turin in 1996. He also obtained a master’s degree in Business Administration, (specialized in Finance and Administration and Control) from S.A.A. of Turin. (School of Business Administration, Asfor accredited) and a Master in Subsidized Loans to Businesses from Tax Consulting Firmi (accredited Asfor).

Professional qualifications and memberships

Gianluca is enrolled in the Register of Statutory Auditors and in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin. He is also registered in the Register of Auditors of Local Authorities.

  • Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts
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Gianluca Coluccio
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Partner - Ria Grant Thornton
Gianluca Coluccio
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